
Our Home Staging Portfolio

Why Stage? Staging serves a crucial purpose: to make your home attractive to a wide audience of potential buyers and ultimately fetch the best price in the shortest time. It helps buyers envision themselves living in your space, creating a lasting first impression that sets you apart in a competitive market. In today’s digital age, where 98% of buyers start their search online, eye-catching photos are paramount. Staged homes stand out, with 65% of buyers forming emotional connections through online visuals. Remember, you’ve got just one opportunity to leave that lasting first impression!

(Note: Images that expand when hovered over have additional photos attached. Click the photo to view them.)

7th Street

Vacant Staging

Manila Ave.

Vacant Staging

Bouldin St.

Vacant Staging

Hillcrest Dr.

Vacant Staging

Concove Way

Vacant Staging

Silver Spring Rd.

Vacant Staging

Boyd Ave.

Vacant Staging

Barnett Dr.

Vacant Staging

Fox Chase Rd.

Vacant Staging

Motter Ave.

Vacant Staging

Basilone Ln.

Vacant Staging

Slade Ave.

Vacant Staging

Morning Dew Ln.

Occupied Staging

Williamsport Pike

Occupied Staging

What Makes Us Different?

At Staged To Sell Homes, we dispel the misconception that staging is only for high-end homes. We provide affordable staging for every type of home – traditional or modern, large or small, vacant or occupied, decades old or brand new. Every home can benefit from staging, and every seller deserves the experience of a faster sale for the highest possible price. 

From the moment you contact us, we offer personalized guidance for your unique property, helping you make choices that will attract buyers who will fall in love at first sight. With us, you’re choosing a partner dedicated to making your property shine, no matter your budget or home style.

Kitchen decor


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Take The Next Step

Intrigued by what you’ve seen so far? 

Our experienced team is standing by to help you accelerate your home selling journey with staging solutions that meet your specific needs and aspirations. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together. 

Give us a call, and together we’ll explore how Staged To Sell Homes can help you take one step closer to hearing that magic word: “SOLD!”


Reach out using the form below 
and we’ll get back to you ASAP.